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버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee

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버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee
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A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

모던 메쏘드 포 기타 - 1,2,3권 합본판

Guitar Book

출판사Berklee Press Publications
저자William Leavitt
아이템 #50449468
분량424 페이지

세 권으로 출판된 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 1,2,3권이 함께 묶여 있는 합본판입니다.
버클리 음악 대학에서 기타 프로그램의 기본 교재로 사용하는 매우 실용적이면서도 이해하기 쉬운 이 교본에는 혁신적인 솔로, 듀엣, 멜로디, 하모니, 리듬 등의 내용들이 수록되어 있습니다.
진지하게 기타에 접근하는 학생과 강사 모두에게 적합한 교본입니다.

Volume 1
기타와 음악에 관한 이해하기 쉬운 기초를 다룬, 입문용 교재입니다.
* scales
* melodic studies
* chord and arpeggio studies
* special exercises for both hands
* accompanishment techniques
* a unique approach to voice leading using moveable chord forms

- Contents -

Section I
Tuning, The Staff, Clef Sign, Common Note Values
Notes in the First Position
Sea to Sea (Duet)
Note and Chord Review (Upper Register)
One, Two, Three, Four (Duet)
Rhythm Accompaniment
Review (Lower Register)
Imitation Duet
Sharps and Flats
Here We Go Again (Duet)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Bass Notes and Chords)
Eighth Notes - Counting and Picking
Etude No. 1 (Duet)
Rests, Tied Notes, Dotted Notes
Etude No. 2 (Duet)
First Solo
Rhythm Accompaniment (Chord Diagrams Explained)
Second Solo
Etude No. 3 (Duet)
Picking Etude No. 1 (Right-Hand Development)
Two, Two (Duet)
Key of G Major (First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Chord Diagrams)
Sixteenth Notes
Duet in G
Picking Etude No. 2
Another Duet in G
Key of F Major (First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Chord Diagrams and Grand Barre)
Duet in F
The Triplet
Waltz in F (Solo)
Key of A Minor (First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Chord Diagrams)
Pretty Pickin' (Duet)
Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Notes
Key of E Minor (Scales in First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Chord Diagrams)
Take Your Pick (Duet)
Rhythm Accompaniment (Movable Chord Forms)
Chromatic Scale (First Position)
Speed Studies
Key of D Minor (Scales in First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment
Endurance Etude (Picking Etude No. 3)
Key of Bb (Scales in First Position)
Rhythm Accompaniment
Duet in Bb
Reverse Alternate Picking Study
Key of D Major (Scale in First Position)
Duet in D
Dynamic Etude - Etude No. 4 (Duet)
Key of A Major (First Position)
Duet in A
Rhythm Accompaniment
Key of Eb Major (Scale in First Position)
Duet in Eb
Movable Chord Forms
Chord Simplification and Substitution Chart
Picking - A Different Technique

Section II
Position Playing
Major Scales (C Major, Fingering Type 1, Second Position)
Chord Etude No. 1
Etude No. 5 (Duet)
Reading Studies (C Major, Fingering Type 1, Second Position)
Ballad (Duet)
Movable Chord Forms
Chord Forms (Derivative Fingerings)
Rhythm Accompaniment - Right-Hand Technique
Picking Etude No. 4
F Major Scale (Fingering Type 1A, Second Position)
Chord Forms
Chord Etude No. 2
Another Duet in F
Reading Studies (F Major, Fingering Type 1A, Second Position)
Play It Pretty (Duet)
Chord Forms
Triplet Study
Speed Study - Fingering Type 1
Speed Study - Fingering Type 1A
G Major Scale (Fingering Type 2, Second Position)
Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Study
Waltz for Two (Duet)
Chord Forms
Reading Studies (G Major, Fingering Type 2, Second Position)
Blues in G (Duet - Muffled Effect)
Chord Etude No. 3
Rhythm Accompaniment - Right-Hand Technique (Basic Latin Beat)
Picking Etude No. 5
Short and Sweet (Duet)
D Major Scale (Fingering Type 3, Second Position)
Chord Forms
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 1 (Syncopation)
Chord Etude No. 4
Staccato, Legato
Reading Studies (D Major, Fingering Type 3)
Dee-Oo-Ett (Duet)
Chord Forms
Speed Study - Fingering Type 2
Speed Study - Fingering Type 3
A Major Scale (Fingering Type 4, Second Position)
Chord Etude No. 5
Reading Studies (A Major, Fingering Type 4, Second Position)
Tres Sharp (Duet)
Sixteenth Note Study
Chord Forms
Speed Study - Fingering Type 4, Second Position
Chord Forms
Second Position Review
Chord Forms
Quarter Note Triplets
Major Scales in Third Position (Bb,Eb,Ab,Db)
Third Position Review
Chord Forms
Major Scales in First Position (Ab,Db)
First Position Review
Major Scales in Fourth Positions (G,D,A,E)
Chord Forms
Fourth Position Review
Chord Forms
Author's Notes

Volume 2
중급자 레벨의 교재로서 멜로디, 스케일, 아르페지오, 코드 등을 핑거보드 전체로 확장해서 다루고 있습니다.
* intervals
* chord voicings
* improvisation
* rhythm-guitar techniques
* play-along duets

- Contents -

Section One
Four Basic Major-Scale Fingering Patterns
C Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
C Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
   "Getting Up There" (Duet)
   "Chord Etude N0. 6"
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 2"
   (¢ and 2/4)
Triads (Three-Note Chords)
F Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
F Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
   "Another Waltz for Two" (duet)
Chord Forms
Speed Study
Triads (F Chords)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (4/4 and 2 beat)
   "Chord Etude No. 7"
G Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
G Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
   "Sea-See-Si" (duet)
Chord Forms
Triads (G Chords)
Finger-Stretching Exercises
D Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
D Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 3" (duet)
Triads (D Chords)
A Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
A Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
   "Chord Etude No. 8"
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Rock-Style Ballad)
Chord Forms
   "Tranquility" (duet)
Triads (A Chords)
Bb Major Scale - Ascending (Five Position)
Bb Major Scale - Descending (Five Position)
   "Waltz in Bb" (duet)
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 4"(6/8)
Finger-Stretching Exercises
Triads (Bb Chords)
Pentatonic Scales
Tremolo Study
Eb Major Scale - Ascending (Five Positions)
Eb Major Scale - Descending (Five Positions)
Chord Forms
Major Scale Review (Positions II,III,V)
Triads (Eb Chords)
Theory: Diatonic Triads in Major Keys (Explanation)
Diatonic Triads - Arpeggios and Scales
   Key of G Major
   Key of F Major
   Key of Bb Major
   Key of Eb Major
   "5th Position Study" (duet)
Major Triad Exercise
Minor Triad Exercise

Section Two
One-Octave Arpeggios - G Triads
Real Melodic (or Jazz) Minor Scale
C Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Shuffle Rhythm)
Speed Study
Chord Forms
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 5" (duet)
One-Octave Arpeggios - D and C Triads
F Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
   "5th Position Study No. 2" (duet)
One-Octave Arpeggios - A and F Triads
Chord Forms
Theory: Diatonic 7th Chords (Major Keys)
Arpeggios - G Diatonic Sevenths
Arpeggios - C Diatonic Sevenths
G Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Chord Forms
Two-Octave Arpeggios - C Major Triad from the Root
   "Chord Etude No. 9"
   "The Wanderer" (duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Waltz)
Arpeggios - F Diatonic Sevenths
Theory: Chord-Scale Relationships with Diatonic Structures
D Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Chord Forms - 3rd in the Bass
   "Chord Etude No. 10"
Two-Octave Arpeggios
   G Major Triad from the 3rd
   F Major Triad from the 5th
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Jazz Waltz)
   Inverted Mordent and Mordent (Explanation)
Arpeggios: Bb Diatonic Sevenths
A Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Chord Forms
Two-Octave Arpeggios - C Minor Triad from the Root
   Appoggiatura and Turn or Grupeto
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 6" (duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Cha Cha and Beguine)
Arpeggios - Eb Diatonic Sevenths
Theory: Chord Scale Relationships (Nondiatonic Minor 7 and Major 7)
   "7th Position Study" (duet)
   "Solo in G"
Bb Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Chord Forms - 7th in the Bass
   :"Chord Etude No. 11"
Two-Octave Arpeggios
   G Minor Triads from the 3rd
   F Minor Triads from the 5th
Key Signatures (Explanation)
Theory: Chord-to-Chord Motion
Chromatic Scale
Eb Real Melodic Minor (Five Positions)
Chord Forms
   "Chord Etude No. 12"
Speed Study
Two-Octave Arpeggios
   C Diminished Triad from the Root
   G Diminished Triad from the 3rd
   F Diminished Triad from the 5th
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 12" (duet)
Whole Tone Scales
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Bossa Nova)
Two-Octave Arpeggios - Bb, F#, and D Augmented Triads
Theory: Chord Scale Relationships - Nondiatonic Minor 6th and (Unaltered)
   Dominant 7th Chords
   "Solo in D"

Volume 3
Volumee 1과 2에서 다룬 주제들을 계속 다루면서 그 영역을 확장하는 내용을 수록하고 있습니다.

- Contents -

Evolution of Twelve Major Scale Fingering Patterns
A Refined Definition of Position
Speed Study
   "Solo in Bb"
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Rhumba)
Explanation of Voices in Chords
Triad Studies - Chords in C Major (Close and Open Voicings)
Adjacent Strings - Common Finger Exercises
Major Scales - Position II (Twelve Keys Ascending Chromatically)
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales - Position II (Nine Practical Fingerings)
Triad Studies - Chords in G Major (Close and Open Voicings)
Arpeggios - Three-Note Chords - Major Triads
Arpeggios - Three-Note Chords - Minor Triads
About Chord Symbols
Reference Chart for Major Scale Fingering Types
Major Scales - Position III (Twelve Keys Descending Chromatically)
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 8" (duet)
About Practicing
Triad Studies - Chords in F Major (Close and Open Voicings)
Technical Study
About Chord Construction
Major Scales - Position IV (Twelve Keys Through Cycle 5)
Chord Constuction - Four-Part Harmony
Arpeggios - Four-Note C Chords
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Tango, Merengue)
C Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
Natural Minor Scales
Modes - A Brief Discussion
Harmonic Minor Scales
A Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "A Minor Etude" (solo)
Melodization of Triads
Recognition of Melodic Degrees - Altered 5 and #4
About Chord Voicings
Arpeggios - Four-Note F Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note G Chords
Chord-Scale Relationships - Dominant 7 Chords
Major Scales - Position V (Twelve Keys Descending Chromatically)
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales - Position V
Chord Construction - Three-Note Voicings
Melodization of Tonic Major Chords
Melodization of Tonic and Subdominant Minor Chords
Diminished Scales in Position
Chord Construction (Three-Note Voicings) Dominant 7 Chords (Preparation of Close Voicings)
   Recognition of Melodic Degrees - Dominant 7 Chords
   Speed Study
Arpeggios - Four-Note Bb Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note D Chords
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 9" (duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Mambo, Bolero, Conga)
Legato-Staccato (Explanation of Portato)
F Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
D Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "Etude in D Minor" (solo)
Melodic Embellishment - The Appoggiatura
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (5/4 Swing)
About Altered Chords and Chord Degrees
Arpeggios - Four-Note Eb Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note A Chords
Chord Construction - Three Notes - Melodization of Dominant 7 Chords
   Melodization of I Minor Chords with Harmonic Minor Scale
Arpeggio Studies - 7th Chords
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 10" (duet)
Major Scales - Position VII (Twelve Keys Ascending Chromatically)
Principal Melodic Minor Scale - Position VII
Chords (Three Notes) Melodization of Diminished Triads (Including Open Voicings)
Chords (Three Notes) Melodization of Augmented Triads (Including Open Voicings)
Arpeggios - Four-Note Ab Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note E Chords
G Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
E Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "E Minor Etude" (solo)
Chord-Scale Relationships - Dominant 7 Chords
Practical Fingers for Moving from Position to Position
Chord Construction (Three Notes) Dominant 7 Chords - Preparation of Close and Open Voicings
Arpeggios - Four-Note Db Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note B Chords
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Samba)
   "Polka Dot" (Polka-Duet)
Major Scales - Position VIII (Twelve Keys Through Cycle 5)
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Melodization of Tonic Major Chords
Melodization of Minor 7 Chords as VIm7 (Diatonic Substitution Explanation)
   Melodization of Subdominant Major Chords
   Melodization of Minor 7 Chords as IIm7
Arpeggios - Four-Note F# Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note Gb Chords
Arpeggios - Four-Note C# Chords
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Dominant 7 Chords - Open Voicings - All Inversions
B Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
G Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "Etude in G Minor" (solo)
Arpeggios - Diminished Chords (Spelling Most Used)
Arpeggios - Dominant 7(b5) Chords
Theory: Diatonic 7 Chords - Harmonic Minor (Including Diatonic Substitutions)
Arpeggio and Scale Study
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Melodization of Subdominant Minor 6 Chords
   Melodization of Minor 7(b5) as Altered IIm7 Chords
   Melodization of Dominant 7 Chords as IV7 and bVII7
   Melodization of Dominant 7 Chords as VI7
Major Scales - Position X (Twelve Keys Through Cycle 5)
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales (Position X)
Chords (Three Notes) Major 6 and Major 7 Chords - Close and Open Voicings
   Major 6 and 7 Chords - Open Voicings - All Inversions
Chord Construction - Five-Part Harmony
Five-Note Arpeggios Major 7/9 and Dominant 9 Chords
   "Daydreams" (duet)
Five-Note Arpeggios - Minor 9 and Dominant 9 Chords
D Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
B Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "B Minor Etude" (solo)
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Dominant 7 Chord Study with b5 (Chromatic Approach) in the Bass
About Chord Progressions (Cycle 5)
Theory: Interchangeable Chord Structures
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Joropo, Nanigo)
Arpeggio Study - Seventh Chords
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Melodization of Minor 7 Chord as IIIm7
   Melodization of Minor 7(b5) Chords as VIIm7(b5)
   Chromatic Melodization of Dominant 7 Chords (Close and Open Voicings)
   "Melodic Rhythm Study No. 11" (Optional Duet with Rhythmic Guitar)
Five-Note Arpeggios - Minor 6(9), Dominant 9sus4, and Dominant 7(b9)
Chords (Three-Note Voicings) Minor 7 and Minor 6 Chords - Close and Open Voicings
   Minor 7 Chords - Open Voicings - All Inversions
IIm7-V7-I Chord Study
Chord-Scale Relationships - Special Alterations on Dominant 7 Chords
   "Pretty Please" (duet)
Five-Note Arpeggios - Dominant 7(+9) Chords
Harmonization of a Melody - From a Lead Sheet with Chords Indicated
Eb Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
C Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "Etude in C Minor" (solo)
Chord-Scale Relationships - Major Chords, Minor 7 Chords
Chords (Three-Note Voicings)
   Minor 7 and 6 Chords - Close and Open Voicings
   Minor 6, Minor 7 Chords - Open Voicings, All Inversions
Five-Note Arpeggios - Dominant 7(+5,+9), Dominant 9(+5), and Dominant 7(+5,b9) Chords
Chords (Three-Note Voicings)
   Melodization of I Minor Chords with Harmonic Minor Scale
   Melodization of IIm7(b5) Chords with Harmonic Minor Scale
   Melodization of Dominant 7 Chords with Harmonic Minor Scale
      "Teeah-Wanna" (Optional Duet with Ryhthm Guitar)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand ("Paso Doble")
Chord Study - Minor 7 with b5 (Chromatic Approach in the Bass)
Chord Spelling - Five-Note Arpeggios - Minor (maj7/9) and Dominant 7(b5,b9) Chords
A Major Scale (Twelve Positions)
F# Harmonic Minor (Nine Positions)
   "F# Minor Etude" (solo)
Chord Spelling - Five-Note Arpeggios - Dominant 7(b9)sus4 and Dominant 9(b5) Chords
Chord (Three Notes) Study in F Major and Study in F Harmonic Minor
Chord Spelling - Five-Note Arpeggios - Dominant 7+9sus4 and Dominant 7(b5,+9) Chords
Additional Fingerings for Minor Scales
Chord-Scale Relationships - Diminished 7 Chords - Augmented Triads
Chords - Preparation of Four-Part Open Voicings - Adding the 5th Degree
   Preparation of Four-Part Open Voicings - Adding the Root
Chord Spelling - Five-Note Arpeggios - Minor 9(b5) Chords
About Improvisation
   "It's Late" (duet)
Chords - Preparation of Four-Part Open Voicings - Adding the 3rd Degree
   Preparation of Four-Part Open Voicings - Adding the 7th Degree
Scale-Chord Relationships - Major, Harmonic Minor, Real Melodic Minor, Whole Tone, and Diminished Scales as Related to Chords


버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee

버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee

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버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee


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버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee

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버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee
버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee
버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee
버클리 기타 교재 모던 메쏘드 포 기타 A Modern Method For Guitar Complete [50449468] Berklee

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